[For Discussion] Handling of bad debt on Fantom Network

Hi @ADone

Here are some more information for you.

1.) The amount is in “wei” of FTM. So you need to divide by 1e18. For example, 59884945491916283463937 / 1e18 = 59,884 FTM

2.) As for the speed of repayment, that will depend on the revenue generated from yield farming fees. More information can be found here: https://docs.alpacafinance.org/our-protocol-1/security#alpaca-insurance-plan

3.) To put things into perspective on the magnitude of bad debt, when the bad debt happened last month, a total of 62,471 FTM shortfall occurred in a pool of ~25 million FTM (total supply.) This represents ~0.25% shortfall to lenders.

At 12% APR, ~0.033% daily APR, (current lending APR for FTM), the lending interest would make up for the shortfall in ~ 1 week, which would have happened already.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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