Liquidity in the ALPACA-BUSD PCSv2 pool has dried up.
The majority of liquidity in PCSv3 is concentrated between 0.17 and 0.22, and half of that ends at 0.34. Furthermore, 50% of the liquidity in PCSv3 pool now is provided by a single user; if this user exits, a significant loss of liquidity will occur.
On-chain liquidity is insufficient for ALPACA buyback; for instance, this week, we did our ALPACA buyback at Binance.
There is a lack of effective incentives to attract users to provide liquidity.
Voting Phases:
We can have the proposal divided into 3 voting stages.
Adjustment of Buyback Mechanism:
Stop using total regular revenue for weekly buyback and burning; instead, use half of it to buy back ALPACA, and add liquidity to ALPACA-USDT PCSv2 LP as reserves or incentives.
Note: irregular revenue, such as liquidation, early withdrawal, or others will be excluded in this adjustment
Use ALPACA-USDT PCSv2 LP for Incentives:
Decide whether to use PCSv2 LP for incentives to attract more users.
Choice of Incentive Mechanism:
Choose one of the following incentive methods.
Incentive Mechanisms:
Direct PCSv2 Incentives:
ALPACA-USDT PCSv2 LP will be fed weekly to a reward pool, and will be distributed linearly over the 12 weeks (similar to ALP staking).
Rewards are instantly claimable.
12 weeks of linear distribution to get to full APR.
xPCSv2-LP Lockup Incentives:
Similar to xALPACAv2, PCSv2-LP will be unlocked after a 12-week xPCSv2-LP lockup period.
⁃ Users can withdraw their locked reward earlier, but they need to pay a fixed 50% penalty.
⁃ When user chooses to withdraw their locked ALPACA-USDT PCSv2-LP earlier, we will break the LP to 50% USDT and 50% ALPACA. USDT will go to the user and ALPACA will go to weekly burn as the penalty
Full APR is visible from the first week.
Enables a fixed 50% penalty for early withdrawal (unlocking PCSv2 LP without receiving ALPACA), equivalent to half APR.
Establishing liquidity may be challenging if most users opt for early withdrawal.
All of your feedback and votes on each phase of this proposal are crucial for the enhancement of ALPACA’s liquidity and user engagement.
I propose that we levy Alpaca’s strength, the AVv3 technology. A conservatively managed pool to which only the Alpaca protocol can deposit. Profitability is not the main aim, and any proceeds would automatically be re-invested. Also, use all regular burn sources.
I will write a longer reply at some point, but wanted to ask one question before that. Was on-chain liquidity really insufficient to buy 10000 ALPACA from regular sources? Or were there some Liquidation funds that needed to be swapped too?
The on-chain liquidity between $0.17 and $0.22 is barely sufficient now, but because most of liquidity is from 1% fee pool, so the price much higher than binance
We don’t need to compete with other users for CAKE rewards, they can help us strengthen liquidity
v3 management is extremely difficult, especially the main purpose of AV is not to enhance liquidity. If you just want to make money, you can propose to invest the revenue directly into the existing AV instead of increasing the management burden.
v2 LP token can be directly used as incentives, but v3 NFT can not do this.
Thanks for your posts guys. I`d like to poke at these a little bit to first establish there is a problem worth caring about.
We can buyback off-chain. This is what we did at first and a few people complained, but so what? It`s not worth wasting rewards and creating a liquidity campaign for this.
Seems extremely unlikely there will be some opportunity for this on BNB Chain in the short-midterm future
How many users are there like that? My impression has been that these days, almost all BNB Chain users have an account on Binance or another CEX where ALPACA is listed.
I took some time to think about this and to be honest, I have reached sinilar conclusions to Sam.
I think V3 liquidity is doing ok without Alpaca Finance doing much about it. I have been providing V3 liquidity in the ALPACA-USDT pair and this is what I see:
the APR is usually very good without extra incentives. CAKE rewards are way less than trading fees anyway. People will be providing liquidity in the future as well, because of rhe 1% pool fee and the reasonably high volume for now.
The PCS V3 pool is used by a lot of arbitrage bots that react to the price change on Binance (mostly) and create the volumes mentioned in 1). If those stop to operate, this may dry up liquudity as the APRs will go down. We can simply monitor the APR in the pool and react only if it falls bellow acceptable levels.
due to the bots mentioned in 2), the V3 pool is technically an extension of the CEX, but just on-chain. Regular users use it only for small purchases. Last time I neeeded to swap 18k ALPACA, I went to Binance. I think this wasn’t a big inconvenience and I am not sure how many people do not have an account there (as Sam said). I don’t think we have than many users from the US, for example.
Thus, I am not sure how much value this liquidity provision will have in terms of acquiring new users. I see it’s appeal as a money making tool for the protocol (farming instead of burning), but that’s about it.
Finally, people seem to love the burns even if many complain that there is no immediate effect on the price. I think if we’re going to reduce them, we should have a better reason than this.
P.S. Thank you Chin for this proposal, the Dune dashboards, and all the wonderful work you are doing!
Moving the liquidity to Thena and bribing should also be considered. They would probably give some bootstrap incentives as well, they’ve been doing that for other protocols.