Proposal to reallocate unclaimed ITAM rewards to Governance Vault stakers

Rules that have already been set should not be changed.
New rules only apply to new pools.

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That is simply stealing. Redistributing what’s not yours is ridiculous!

this kind of proposal in essence is violation of other people’s ownership of those tokens.

if you bank take away all you money in bank if you do not use your money in 1 year, would you believe it is fair?

As a decentrelized proposal, alpaca MUST respect “ownership”
what is ownership?
if the owner of those token
1: unclaim their token in 1 years, they still have that ownership.
1: unclaim their token in 10 years, they still have that ownership.
1: unclaim their token in 100 years, they still have that ownership.
1: unclaim their token forever, they still have that ownership.

OWNERSHIP must be respected and protected, regardless how many years token not claimed. Just like my money in bank, it is always mine, regardless how many years I do not access them.


@Ariel Hopefully there will be an alpaca blind date post

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this is stealing!!


Our forum is a place for civil discussion. Everyone is welcome to share their opinions, but please refrain from using accusing words like “stealing” or “robbing”

The purpose of this was to discuss potential opportunity to redistribute some rewards back to the community - not the team. If ultimately the community is not supportive of the idea, it won’t be passed. This is part of the governance process.

You brought up an example of savings in the bank. So let’s explore that. In many cases, bank accounts with no activity become “dormant” or “inactive.” After a certain period of time. And after a further period of inactive, those funds gets re-allocated for other purposes.

Outside of banking, there is also an example of “reallocation” of ownership when an owner does not exercise his or her rights. E.g., Adverse Possession where if “… the property’s owner does not exercise their right to recover their property for a significant period of time, not only is the original owner prevented from exercising their right to exclude, but an entirely new title to the property “springs up” in the adverse possessor.” This is a common law that is practiced in many countries. Adverse possession - Wikipedia


Maybe you haven’t done the claim yet because is antieconomical and you are waiting that the token price goes up.

For some tokens the apy is low, the locked amount was too little or the lock period too short.

I think we can’t assume that a wallet is dormant. Maybe it’s just waiting.


Nice to see the 1st proposal idea, because those would always improve our protocol or our awareness about an important related issue, as is the case now.

There is one point in favor of the mechanism proposed that is actually the reward is NOT one’s property yet, its a “right to”. Since we did not clarify things beforehand, I have already turned the point form the first reaction of been a good idea and now I understand that all reward programs must have a time limit for collection, a long time like 24 months or so, in order to give ample time for people to come back and do it. After that time, the rights would “expire”, but I would not change the rules on past occurrences.



1: most of banks will not take away users money even accounts become “dormant” or “inactive.” , only limit those account funcitons.
2: even banks “takeway” “dormant” or “inactive.” account money, they DO NOT transfer money ownership to anyone else, instead, they transfer money into government agency for “holding”, the account owners can claim back their money from that government agency later on. please refer to below ANZ bank guidline.

3: banks explains what would happen to “dormant” or “inactive” account in the “user agreement” and TOLD CUSTOMERS what could happen IN ADVANCE before customers account opening. .

so, do you see difference?

your proposal is taking away someone’s money without tell owners in advance.( ironically alpaca is so called “decentralized” protocal to protect money ownership against censorship? )

I doposit heavy investoment into governance vault, but I object to this proposal strongly.

option 2, it looks Ok, because customers is told this rule in advance. once they join this game after they understand this rule, it means they accept this rule, I think it should be acceptable—but I still object to option 2 as well.

Alpaca must respect ownership, regardless how many years account is not accessed.

BTC— around 5 million BTC is lost and for 6-10 years those lost BTC not accessed, but none would confiscate those “never touched BTC” and allocate it to other people.
this is a crypto world concensus —100% ownership protection and 100% against any censorship

leave those unclaimed token untouched for ever, it is alpaca’s promise to “ownership protection”.

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Option 1 for previous rewards. Don’t confiscate previous rewards and don’t put a timeline on them. That’s an aggressive change on the rules that can affect Aplaca’s image.

Option 2, strictly for future rewards after rules come into force. Say rules say claim within 1 Year and forfeit to the community thereafter, then that applies only to ranges/pools that come up after this rule comes into force.

Nobody should live in fear that the rules can change to their significant disadvantage in their abscence.


There are other banks and jurisdictions that have different rules from ANZ, which does not retain the right for owners to reclaim. For example,

We have not taken any action or anyone’s money. If ultimately we were to do something about this, of course, we will make an announcement and leave enough time for people to act. If you refer to my second bullet point under the implementation section in my original post, I clearly stated this.

Thanks for voicing your view and participating in the process. Ultimately, the community will decide the direction we take next. :slight_smile:


Leave it as it is for the actual owners…coz also alpaca is locked there

I prefer leaving it to the original owners…Thats the literal meaning of decentralization and total control over funds . Some people may have invested for the long run maybe 10 years and theyve totally ignored their wallets which is good for active users coz we would always get more future returns before them. Redistributing it will literally be like unstaking their alpaca to lock them in governance. Its sort of stealing qe shouldnt even be voting on something like this coz its common sense

Instead of thinking about giving ourselves and create a dump for partner token, can i suggest that we do the following:

-LP the token and yield farm=> create liquidity for partner token holder
-Original owner still own their proportional portion of LP
-yield/trading fee to be decided via governance vote => some portion to alpaca finance owner/insurance for alpaca finance, some to original token owner.


Agree! It will be good for the economic system cause active users will get more rewards and contribute to the system more. Still pls make lots effort in warning those inactive users to claim their reward or this will affect Alpaca finance reputation in the long run. Thanks

Truly, the unclaimed rewards still belong to the users.
Who in the world could have the evidence that they won’t come back and claim the reward one day?
If we want to change, we should set claimable time for the UPCOMING rewards but not past rewards.


let them there. and i like you let me know alpaca group is good community.

Yes, I cannot agree more.

I suggest that the team can use the rewards to buy alpaca but make the rewards remain claimable for the owners permanently. This way, if the users never claim it’d be like a lockup.