Add the ability to transfer alpaca tokens between Governance Vaults

Add the ability to transfer alpaca tokens between Governance Vaults It is good for those who have several wallets with a small amount in the Governance Vault and do not spend the price of gas to withdraw profits for them.

With the addition of this feature, they can transfer all their alpacas to a Governance Vault to withdraw their money at a lower cost.

And it is better to offer this feature before the ability to early withdraw for those whose wallet information has been stolen or they suspect that this has happened.

They can safely transfer their alpacas to a new wallet on Governance Vault.

This has many benefits. Thank you for reading this article.

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How can it advantage small wallets considering the cost for bridging tokens?

I don’t understand how this feature will benefit users since pro-rata distribution will be implemented in due time. Plus there’s a lock on those tokens for a reason. To be able to transfer, the tokens must first be unlocked.

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Pro-rata distribution will make users indifferent on which chain they lock on.

Also, Alpaca is decnetralized. We do not have custody of governance assets so can’t and won’t implement a casual feature involving centralized movement of user assets, for those who say they don’t have access to their keys or something like that.